We know the statistics. Depending on who you listen to, between 80 and 90% of all churches are plateaued or declining. Leading a church to be on mission is a challenge. Pastors need support to thrive in today’s ministry context, and that is the heart of a ministry of the Metropolitan New York Baptist Association called THRIVE.

THRIVE brings pastors together in small cohorts, over a 4 month period. The cohort provides friendship and encouragement and offers pastors a safe environment in which to learn from one another. THRIVE utilizes profiles, inventories, and assessments to help pastors discover where God is leading them and their people.

Each month participants focus on the personal and spiritual renewal of the pastor, the health of their church, how to re-engage their community with the gospel and developing a plan for the future. Pastors also have access to special resources through Church Answers.
THRIVE Cohort Meetings
THRIVE cohort meetings are roughly 90 minutes. It includes prayer, church updates, a short teaching time on the monthly theme, and a look ahead.
THRIVE cohorts are led by Dr. Michael Rubino, pastor of Cornerstone Bible Church of Port Jefferson Station, Long Island. Pastor Rubino is a certified coach specializing in church re-planting and revitalization. Assisting him is Tim Nussbaumer, leader of The Point Community Church network in New Jersey and George Russ, Executive Director of MNYBA.
For more information on how you can be a part of THRIVE email info@mnyba.org or call 212-580-0655.